Job Offers.

Do you think that you are a great addition to United Soft Drinks? Check out our job offers below. If you can’t find a suitable position, you can always send your resume and motivational letter to

Accountmanager Sporthoreca België: 2 vacatures voor Wallonië

1 Vacature voor; Gewest Brussel + provincie Namen + provincie Luik & 1 Vacature voor; Gewest Brussel + provincie Waals-Brabant + provincie Henegouwen & United Soft Drinks zoekt altijd kandidaten met een Bachelor opleiding richting Economie/ Hotelschool + ≥ 1 jaar werkervaring in de sales.

Rayon Manager United Soft Drinks – The Netherlands/Belgium/Germany.

United Soft Drinks is always open for commercial talent! Within the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany we have a team of 15 sales representatives who are working everyday on building partnerships with local (amateur) sports clubs. Are you a commercial talent and do you feel excited to be part of a young dynamic team? Send your resume and cover letter to…